Paul Irish

Making the www great

Scoped Tweets to Reduce Noise for Your Followers

I’ve been using a technique for a while now to reduce twitter noise, and I suppose it deserves documenting. I like to keep my tweet volume low (specifically your regular broadcast tweets, rather than replies.

When attending a conference…

I’ll oftentimes write a tweet as a reply to the conference’s twitter account. For example, I’m off to JSConf right now. So I might do

@JSConf just landed. here in PDX. anyone wanna share a cab? also beerz. nao.

Similarly when using twitter as the backchannel, I don’t search just the #jsconf hashtag, but purely ‘jsconf’ so I get both the hashtags and the replies.

When targetting a smaller portion of your followers…

Sometimes I wanna tweet some info that’s interesting to only some folks, like strictly people interested in javascript language details or straight up designers. I’ll pick a pretty popular person in that area and shoot it of almost like a reply to them:

@kangax et al, Annotated ECMAScript 5.1 now @ incl. links to MDC and @DmitrySoshnikov’s research


This all makes sense because of how twitter handles replies. If I reply to @homeboy1 and you don’t follow him, you don’t see that one in your timeline. If you do, you do.

So there it is.. mostly I see it as a polite thing to do when at a conference and the rest of your followers want to put you on mute for 3 days. :)

Quick Color Manipulation With the Chrome DevTools & More

Recorded this the other day…

You can edit the color representation of any CSS color on the fly (from hex to RGB(a) to HSL(a)) and also always view colors in HSL, for example. This lets you manipulate colors easily for finding hover colors or other tweaks live.

2011.03.31: And I might as well include a Google video I did on the dev tools…

Chrome Developer Tools: 12 Tricks to Develop Quicker