Hopefully this will save you a trip back to Photoshop’s color picker.
- #b00b00
- #de1e7e
- #e1e100
- #BADA55
- #ac1d1c
- #facade
These ones are memorable, but not terribly color-appropriate:
- #c0ffee
- #defec8
- #deface
- #0ff1ce
- #a55
Thx for the awesome suggestions: @mrspeaker, @8centsaday, @wilto, @lrbabe, @twalve If you have any good ones to add, holler in the comments!
I guess I have a thing for hex colors.. ;)
jan 13, 2011: Lots more hex color words here
2012.07.23: This is too awesome to not share…
hexu.al, the catalog of memorable hex colors.
also worth mentioning the fine work of lexadecimal.com