Paul Irish

Making the www great

How I Inherited the Best Screenname Ever.

————— 12:47 pm —————
paullll irish: hiii there.
KindOfABigDeal: hi
paullll irish: you’ve been sitting on my buddy list for a long while.
paullll irish: i just wanted to say hi to whoever had this screenname.
paullll irish: because its pretty effing sweet.
KindOfABigDeal: haha
paullll irish: :)
KindOfABigDeal: why thank you
paullll irish: well of course!
paullll irish: i imagine this is a secondary name for you?
KindOfABigDeal: yep!
KindOfABigDeal: i guess you are a big archorman fan?
KindOfABigDeal: anchorman*
paullll irish: honestly i heard "kind of a big deal" without actually seeing anchorman
paullll irish: then i finally watched it and was like OOOOOHHhhthatswhere its from.
KindOfABigDeal: haha
KindOfABigDeal: thats how I was with borat
paullll irish: and then i was like.. GENIUS idea for a screenname! i’m gonna register it!
paullll irish: but then! foiled!
paullll irish: some theif had already acquired such a perfect name.
KindOfABigDeal: haha sorrrrrry
paullll irish: haha you jerk.
paullll irish: :)
KindOfABigDeal: that I am
KindOfABigDeal: and I never even use it!
KindOfABigDeal: i feel bad
paullll irish: i knowwwwwwwwww1
paullll irish: its been on my buddy list for like a year1
KindOfABigDeal: do you want it?
paullll irish: omg
paullll irish: if you were that nice
paullll irish: i dont know
KindOfABigDeal: you can just change the password if you want
paullll irish: thats just the sweetest thing in the world.
paullll irish: haha
KindOfABigDeal: haha
paullll irish: you’d make my fucking month.
KindOfABigDeal: awww!  yay!
KindOfABigDeal: you can return the favor one day I’m sure
KindOfABigDeal: haha
paullll irish: you’re too kind.
paullll irish: i definitely will.
paullll irish: i’ll make you a custom music mix.
paullll irish: oh yes.
KindOfABigDeal: ooooo very nice
KindOfABigDeal: well the password is 2yelow4u
paullll irish: so sweet. :) awesome.
KindOfABigDeal: so i guess this will be the last time we talk haha
paullll irish: it doesnt have to be that way!
paullll irish: we can be BFF
KindOfABigDeal: haha yessss
paullll irish: Sweet.
paullll irish: okay i imagine you have a myspace.
KindOfABigDeal: yeah i love it
paullll irish: if you give me that i’ll leave you comments extolling how wonderful a person you are
KindOfABigDeal: i’m obsessed
paullll irish: i’ll write sonnets in your name
paullll irish: hahaaha
KindOfABigDeal: thats my REAL screenname too haha
paullll irish: aaaah
paullll irish: i see. cool. :)
paullll irish: An email has been sent to the user for your request to add this user.

————— 12:57 pm —————
KindOfABigDeal: niiiiice I’ll get right on it
KindOfABigDeal: and I’ll sign off so that you can OFFICALLY have your new screenname
KindOfABigDeal: bye kid!

